Rachel Oliver


Rachel Oliver is a Registered Midwife, a qualified Real Birth Teacher, mother of three children and a committed advocate of womens rights in childbirth.

Rachel has a BA in Education from Liverpool University then returned to  Herefordshire to teach primary school children. She left teaching children in 2012 to study in university for the only other job she ever wanted, midwifery. Gaining a BSc 1st class degree, she began the next chapter of her career.

Rachel has worked in a variety of maternity environments and really enjoyed her work in community midwifery. During this time Rachel developed and taught breastfeeding classes that were designed to equip women with the necessary confidence and skills needed to enable them to successfully feed their babies. She was also involved in developing and teaching antenatal classes preparing women for childbirth. Rachel found working in the community to not only be inspiring but no two days were ever the same and her love for teaching and making a difference was rekindled.

Rachel went back to university to gain her Student Mentorship qualification in 2017. The following four years have been spent working in triage, on the maternity ward, and in the delivery suite where she constantly finds that the women she cares for are strong, inspiring, resilient, and inspirational. For Rachel it is all about supporting pregnant women and people, helping them to make the right choices for themselves and their babies.

In March 2018 Rachel took the decision to expand her midwifery experience and train as a Real Birth Teacher working alongside her colleague and Registered Midwife Zoe Wright who founded the RCM and FEDANT accredited Real Birth Company. The Real Birth Programme uses evidence-based information delivered in a style that women and birth partners can understand, using positive language and reinforcement. Rachel has since trained to be a Real Birth Trainer and now not only teaches the Real Birth Workshop to women and their partners, but also trains midwives and doulas across the UK in how to use and share the Real Birth Programme.