Zoe Wright

Founder / Teacher

Hi I am Zoe, Registered Midwife, Founder and Trainer of the Real Birth Company and Programme. I started my career as a midwife in 2006, after having three of my own children. I felt very lucky to have had the same midwife for all of my pregnancies and she was part of our family. I wanted to become a midwife to share the experience of care that I had received and to help empower and support pregnant women. I have had the experience of working in a variety of settings, from Midwifery Led to Obstetric Units and each experience has taught me a great deal about choice. A while into my career I trained in Hypnobirthing and in Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy.

I have always had a passion for antenatal education and been the lead in developing antenatal services within an NHS setting. During my varied career I have taught student midwives as an associate midwifery lecturer, and still speak at universities to student midwives and as a key note speaker, about the power of antenatal education and the benefits for pregnant women and their birth partners in understanding the process of birth to empower them.

In 2012 I started writing the beginning of an evidence based antenatal education programme, to help midwives bring together all of the evidence that supports birth physiology in a holistic way. This programme has become the triple accredited training programme we teach today. This global evidenced-based and holistic programme is being constantly developed to help ensure that women who attend any of our classes are receiving the same positive information whether they take a class in Birmingham, Belfast, Devon or Oman. In 2018, 2019 and 2020 myself and the team have won awards for this work and recognition for the steps made into introducing the programme into hospitals around the UK.

I believe fully that to support pregnant women and people with information that promotes decision making and choice, that helps empower them, means that midwives and other antenatal educators providing this information need to feel empowered and supported to.