“To provide relevant, up to date evidence based antenatal information that is imparted with a positive attitude to birth.”
“To impart knowledge with confidence to empower pregnant women and people and their birth partners at this very special time.”
“We Promote Positive Birth”
The Real Birth Company believes that the key to feeling empowered and confident about birth is knowing how your body works in labour and knowing rights and choices, alongside techniques for birth.
The Real Birth Workshop helps by giving pregnant women and people a much deeper understanding of the changes that take place in labour, helping to empower pregnant women and their birth partners during the time leading up to birth. This can dramatically reduce the fear and anxieties that people can feel at the thought of giving birth.
There are so many studies that show how a more positive birth experience significantly impacts on emotional wellbeing for the whole family unit. Evidence that we have collected shows that women feel more knowledgeable about the process of birth after our workshop and that the workshop had helped them during their labour.
A positive birth experience is not specifically about having a vaginal birth, or having a caesarean birth. Communication from staff, the birthing woman or person knowing their choices and having them respected and understanding of the birth process are all key. These are key elements to having a positive birth experience, which leads to less post natal depression, better bonding between the parents and baby, and a better physical and psychological outcomes after birth.
Who We Work With
Our Accreditation
RCM Accreditation – 2018 to 2021 – Click here to read our statement on RCM Accreditation
Our Funders